Foods and vitamins are good for your eye health

Foods and vitamins are good for eye health

Do you looking for the best foods and vitamins good for your eye health, which will improve your Eyesight without spectacles? Lets see some of the best tips from our experts physicians. Our eyes are invaluable windows to the world, allowing us to experience the beauty around us. As we navigate through life, maintaining optimal … Read more

Sixth Nerve Palsy, know the ultimate truth

Sixth nerve palsy

What is sixth nerve palsy?  Sixth Nerve palsy is a medical condition that causes restricted eye movements  due to improper functioning of the sixth cranial nerve (Abducens). It is one of the commonest ocular palsy. Any injury or occlusion to this nerve pathway produces these symptoms. It takes a few weeks to recover spontaneously with … Read more

Pterygium (Surfer’s Eye), you must know the common treatment guidelines.

Pterygium Surgery

Pterygium (Also known as Surfer’s Eye) is a common eye condition characterized by the growth of a fleshy, triangular-shaped tissue over the white part of the eye (sclera). It usually starts from the inner corner of the eye and gradually extends towards the cornea, which is the clear front surface of the eye. Causes of … Read more

Chalazion and Stye, management options you must know before surgery.

Chalazion vs Stye

What is Chalazion? Chalazion is a common eyelid condition characterized by the development of a painless, localized bump or swelling. It occurs when the oil-producing glands (meibomian glands) in the eyelids become blocked and inflamed. Chalazion vs Stye Chalazion Stye Non-infectious Infectious Formed due to blockage of oil glands Caused by bacterial infection Painless, usually … Read more